Al Mahd School

Kingdom of Bahrain

ESTD. 1997

Parent Guide

School Rules


Make sure you are in your classroom well in time.
If you are absent from the school you must ask your parents to fill the 'Leave Application Form' at the back of the Pupil's Diary Each student is required to have at least 75% of attendance to qualify himself / herself to sit for the IInd Term Examination.


  • All students should endeavour to keep up the high standard and reputation of the school by excelling in fine manner and deportment.
  • All students are expected to be polite and courteous. They are expected to greet teachers, other members of staff, and all visitors with due respect.
  • Students are required to maintain self-discipline at school campus.
  • The school maintains a Discipline Register. Any breach of discipline on the part of the students will be recorded in Discipline Register under intimation to the parents concerned. If any student has more than three entries of indiscipline against his/ her name then the case will be sent to the Discipline Committee for necessary action.
  • Students must come on time to the school. Late comers will earn demerits for their Houses and may be fined.
  • Every student must possess a copy of Pupil’s Diary, which should be brought to school daily.
  • Children should speak in English at the school campus.
  • High level of personal cleanliness and hygiene is expected from all.
  • Running, playing or shouting in the classrooms will not be allowed. Perfect silence must be observed during class hours.
  • Students must return after the holidays on the re-opening day. In case of sickness a doctor’s certificate must be produced along with the leave application.
  • Students who have been absent from the school for one month or more, without permission, are liable to have their names struck off the rolls and may not re-admitted.
  • Parents cannot take their children out of the school during school hours without permission of the head of the institution.
  • The school is not responsible for money, clothes and other valuable articles, which are lost. It is not advisable to send money or valuable articles with the child.
  • No books other than text or library books shall be brought to the school without the consent of the school authorities.
  • Any kind of damage to the school property will have to be made good. Students should be particularly careful not to throw any eatables, chewing gums, papers, etc. anywhere on the school campus. Baskets and dustbins, especially provided for this purpose, should be used.
  • No presents are to be given to the teachers.
  • All students are responsible to the school authorities for their behaviour both in and outside the school. Any reported or observed objectionable conduct in or out of the school, on the part of the students, shall make them liable for disciplinary action.
  • Disrespect and disobedience to superiors, using abusive or objectionable words and other habits or behaviour considered by the school authorities as not suitable to a student, will be met with due strictness.
  • Students suffering from contagious or infectious diseases will not be permitted to attend school.
  • No student shall leave the school premises without the permission of the Principal or Admin. Officer.
  • During the class hours students are not to be seen outside. Telephone calls by them, unless urgent, will not be permitted. Children are not allowed to bring mobile phones to school.

Parents those who are looking for new admissions can register their interest by clicking the button

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Al Mahd School, Saar

Kingdom of Bahrain

+973 17792422

Al Mahd School, Samaheej

Kingdom of Bahrain

+973 17479040

Al Mahd School, Riffa

Kingdom of Bahrain

+973 17620730

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